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Videos for International Members
The following two presentations were made to the RPS International members in April and June 2020. These were Zoom video conference meetings held at 11.00 BST (British Summer Time) to enable many of our members in different time zones around the world to join us live online. Both meetings were also recorded to enable those who were unable to join us on the day to view the presentations after the event. We have retained the member questions sections in the videos as we felt that they may be general queries that others would like to hear the answers to.
‘Inside my Head’ was a presentation from Janet Haines ARPS: The presentation shows how from a more normal beginning Janet progressed to ‘make' images more than ‘take’ images; they are imaginary environments based on altered reality where the inspiration comes from within.
‘Distinctions Explained’ is a presentation based on examples of panels from many members where Susan Brown FRPS and Janet Haines ARPS discuss how to put together successful panels and the criteria the Assessors look for the photographer to achieve.
The RPS Distinctions team has also been holding weekly online talks with eminent RPS members. If you have missed any of the talks then they are all available to watch here
There are also many other online opportunities to engage with the RPS, some free presentations and others paid for workshops. Up to date information can always be found on the ‘Whats On’ page of the RPS web site
We have many more videos for you to watch on our YouTube Channel, including interviews with award winners such as Mark Power HonFRPS, Jack Davison, Bryan Adams HonFRPS and Dr Brian May CBE.
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