RPS Landscape Group

You know the feeling. You take the card out of the camera and pop it into the computer. Excitement rises, tempered by history. So often your hard work has been wasted; or at best compromised. There’s a distraction on one of the edges. Fancy not noticing the tree crossing the horizon. Why didn’t you move another metre to the left or right? And worst of all; the main interest is not quite pin sharp.
We’ve tried all sorts of ways to improve. We’ve been reading magazines for years.
We’ve been members of a photographic society for 15 years and had a lot of help from other members. We have a bookcase heaving with books on photographic technique and work by the famous. You Tube is regularly watched. We’ve had feedback from a lot of judges. None of which seemed to stay permanently in the memory.
We first went on a workshop organised by the Landscape Group of the RPS in 2019 and have now attended 3 workshops; each with Mark Banks. We went to Waterfalls of Wensleydale in Autumn 2019 and in 2021, Summer Colours on the North York Moors and lastly Yorkshire Woodland in Autumn.
A common feature is that we are given time, to take pictures fulfilling a brief but from our own point of view, during which Mark visits all participants and offers helpful advice. There is often a little bit of theory to help technical areas such as perspective changes between features in the image.
There has always been something that has helped us to remember workflow prior to taking the image whether it be by sayings or an acronym. These have stood us in good stead ever since. With just a group maximum of 6 we were able to utilise Mark’s time effectively as well as put into practice what we have been taught. Mark encourages us to try something different and be creative.
Although it is apparent that Mark has planned the day, he has always asked what we hope to achieve during the day and has found time to fit in some guidance during the workshop. We recall in particular that guidance was requested regarding the use of neutral density graduated filters, or filters in general. What followed a few hours later was a 15-minute masterclass in how to use filters, both polarisers and neutral density types.
The great benefit to us is that these workshops provide a framework on which to base image taking, both that day and in the future.
All in all, excellent days of photography made all the better for Marks enthusiasm and patience.
Whilst these are a flavour of our experiences with only one of the tutors of the RPS, we have no doubt that there are many other excellent tutors. We hope to try some different areas and tutors before too long.
So, if you want a good day out with fellow enthusiasts, and hope to learn something new that will help your photography, try one of the many Events put on by the RPS Landscape Group.
All images © Trevor Burton and Janice Burton LRPS
This article was featured in the RPS Landscape Group's Newsletter, March 2022.
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