I’m delighted to be writing this first Chair Chat for the RPS Landscape Group newsletter.
It is an honour to be taking up the reigns from Richard who has done a fantastic job since the founding of the Landscape Group seven years ago.
We also have several new faces on the committee and several others stepping down. I’d like to thank Dave Glenn, Fiona McCowan and Andy McLaughlin for all their hard work on the committee over the past few years. I’d like to welcome Viv Cotton, Howard Klein, Ellie Lilly, Chris McIntosh and David Travis to the committee. I’m sure you’ll get to know more about the new committee members over the coming months.
I joined the RPS two years ago in the middle of the pandemic and I was inspired by the quantity and quality of events on offer. At the time everything was online and we all learnt how to use Zoom. Now we’re back in a more normal world and I’m pleased to report that there is a fantastic mixture of online, hybrid and in person events on offer for the year ahead. I’ve signed up for several over the coming weeks and months and I would encourage everyone to take a look at the range of events available. We’re still using Billetto for event booking for the time being and you’ll find the link elsewhere in this newsletter.
We will be launching new projects for the coming year at the AGM. More details should be available by the time you read this as we will also share details on our website and on our social media channels. We believe that we will have a great selection of projects on offer which should appeal to a wide range of interests. I would encourage everyone to participate if possible. I find that having specific projects to work on provides me with real motivation for my photography. I really enjoyed the By Degrees and Close to Home projects last year.
We will also be launching a members’ survey shortly and there will be more news about this soon.
Enjoy your photography and have fun!
Landscape Group website: Home | What we do | Events | Join us | Competitions | Group News & Articles | Projects | Our Committee