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Wells Cathedral
CREDIT: Peter Fortune


RPS Landscape Group Newsletter, March 2023

Editorial By Peter Fortune

Compared to the last few winters this one has been quite severe with snow and ice lying for over a week before Christmas and some very cold and frosty mornings in January and the beginning of February, (I am of course speaking about the South of England and am aware that in other parts of the UK the weather has been worse but looking at the weather forecasts for those parts of the UK, the weather seems to have been worse but again compared to some of the recent winters - not too bad. Please don’t write to me to complain about how much worse than usual the weather has been where you live and accept my apologies. I remember that whilst travelling in East Anglia some time ago in June I was caught in a severe snowfall and thought I may have to find a hotel for the night. Fortunately whilst being very severe it was also short and I got home safely.

On the bright side the cold frosty weather and sometimes some snow gives us some opportunities to capture some different images. For myself I was not well during the period of snow but did venture out and captured some pleasing images in the frost even if none of them were good enough to win awards - actually non of my photographs are! My photography is about getting to go out and about in the fresh air and getting images that please me - not about winning competitions. I could criticise some camera club members for being to concerned about winning competitions and therefore complaining that some judges can be inconsistent. Please forgive them for having personal tastes which sometimes show up in their marking.

On a different point, as I am writing this in February and the Conference and AGM are the 3rd - 5th March but the March Newsletter will not be published until after then so I am expecting that a number of attendees will buttonhole me and gave me views on the Newsletter but I can always deal with more - if you did not get the chance to tell me how wonderful or appalling, interesting or boring, the Newsletter is please don’t hesitate to e mail me. I promise to read, take account of and respond to all emails. I am very thick skinned so you can be as blunt as you like!

In this edition you will see articles by Roger Styles, Stephen McDonald and Suzy Braye, plus all the usual features. We are always short of articles, particularly those on the technical side of photography so why not have a go at writing - the requirements are not at all onerous - 500 + words and a few photographs to illustrate with the longest side being 2000 pixels.

The next edition of the Newsletter after March will be a 'Special Projects' Edition in April.

Send in your articles to

Enjoy the spring and get some super images. If you were at the conference I hope you were pleased with the event - Dave Glen and his team worked very hard on it.

Best wishes

Peter Fortune



Wells Cathedral © Peter Fortune