Sue Searle Storm
CREDIT: Sue Searle

Our Committee

Meet the people who keep the Landscape group running
Colin Balfour LRPS


I have been a keen photographer for many years and enjoy landscape photography of all types. I joined the RPS to take my photography to the next level, and I have been impressed by the quality and range of events (online and hybrid) and in-person workshops. I live in Edinburgh, so I have some incredible scenery on my doorstep, and I regularly travel to locations across Scotland, the Lake District and Northumberland.I am honoured and delighted to have been invited to join the Landscape SIG committee, and I hope to contribute as much as possible to the group going forward.

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Viv Cotton


I was given my first camera when I was maybe 7, a Kodak Instamatic, which took 126 cartridge roll film and used flashcubes that self-destructed when fired. My father and grandfather were both into photography as a hobby, and I have happy memories of spending time with them looking at my latest photos every time they arrived back from the lab. So, I guess my interest in photography is in the family DNA! I have and will dabble and experiment with just about any genre of photography, but I especially like getting out and about and photographing landscapes. I have used (film-based) Praktika and Olympus cameras in the past, but I am a long-time Canon user, and I have both a conventional DSLR and an IR-modified DSLR in my camera bag. My current photography project is photographing Scottish Castles in IR, which has taken me all over Scotland in the last few years!  

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Trevor Judd


Trevor has had a chequered photographic past. Starting out shooting film, in his teen years, life then got in the way which led to a thirty year hiatus. Returning in the digital era has allowed for his photographic interests to be reawakened.

His professional life has been spent, predominantly, in finance roles. Concurrently, with these professional positions, he has offered the services of his abacus in the support of other organisations and trade bodies, in a voluntary capacity. He’s currently an active committee member in the service of the Professional Garden Photographers Association and the Garden Media Guild.

Trevor has a particular interest in the production of fine art botanical portraits. He’s been fortunate enough to have seen his images exhibited throughout the UK. Examples of his work can be found at

Chris McIntosh
Chris McIntosh


My early steps into photography as a boy were encouraged by my grandfather, who had a 1940's 35mm camera. He let me use his camera, and I wandered around taking photos. The viewfinder inverted the images both horizontally and vertically. The whole process enthralled me.

However, I did not have much confidence in my artistic ability, which was not helped when we had to choose between continuing studies in Art or History during my secondary school years. I remember my Art teacher standing over my shoulder and saying, “I can see you will be doing History, McIntosh”.

Photography has been in the background all my working life, but in the last few years, I have been trying to catch up with lost time. At some point, I would like to feel that I have proven that teacher wrong - that said, I did enjoy History.

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HK Photo Lakes2
Howard Klein


I have always enjoyed being outdoors and always thought that “just being there” was underrated. So there was a natural attraction for me towards landscape photography.

Given my love of colder places, Scotland remains my go-to favourite, with its ever-changing weather conditions and challenges, albeit that it’s some distance from leafy Surrey, where I now live.  However, with more time for photography, I enjoy spending time getting to know my favourite South Coast locations and their varied sea conditions; and I still get pleasure from wandering around London to take in the vibrancy of my original home city.


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CTP Portrait 2103
Candia Peterson ARPS


Having lived in the French Alps for 17 years, I swapped one set of mountains for another with a move to the Catskills of Upstate New York in 2019.  I’ve therefore been fortunate to live in a beautiful landscape for most of the last twenty years and there is no question that this has fuelled my lifelong interest in photography.  I am also passionate about architectural and abstract photography.  Living abroad, the RPS on-line offering for expats is second to none and I have certainly indulged in this to the max over the last few years with tangible – positive – effects on my work.

I have been a self-employed business owner for over 30 years and whilst this means I am likely never to retire in the conventional sense, it also means that my time is my own to organise and when I am not working, (or babysitting my new granddaughter) I’m fully engaged in the art and science of photography.  For fun and pocket money, Saturdays will often find me at my local farmers’ market selling my photos, something I greatly enjoy.

David Avatar 3
David Travis ARPS


My dad had many side hustles, including being a wedding photographer. As a result, there were various film-developing paraphernalia in the house, and at around 11, I started to get interested in taking and developing pictures. However, I was never very good at it. I could never remember what settings I’d used, so I never knew why some pictures worked and some didn’t. When digital cameras appeared, I could instantly see what the various camera settings did. That shallow, depth-of-field look that happened once by accident with my film camera? I could never work out how to recreate it with film, but with digital, I quickly learned how my camera settings affected the final image. I was an early adopter of digital and have been a serious photographer ever since.   I discovered the RPS just before the pandemic and spent the various lockdowns working towards my LRPS and ARPS. Currently, I manage the RPS Landscape Group’s critique and processing circles.

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