Other Quotes Quote of the month Here we publish every month a quotation from a photographer past or present, well known or lesser known (or maybe even unknown). The statements might be seemingly obvious, or prompt...
CREDIT: Jan Beesley ARPS News Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021 That was the year that was - it's over let it go! At the start of the year everything looked so promising but then Covid hit us all and our lives changed forever.In the South East region we worked har... Published 02 January 2021 Jan Beesley ARPS
News RPS Ireland You are very welcome to the RPS Ireland page. Following the Annual General Meeting held in December 2020, it was decided by the members to change the name of the Region to RPS Ireland. A new committee... Published 07 January 2021
News Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography A new ere of ophthalmic imaging Published 06 July 2016 Richard Hancock FRPS ASIS
CREDIT: Dr Kaushik Ghosh GIS ARPS News HVS: Reviewing World’s Best Possible Imaging System and its three best features Dr Kaushik Ghosh GIS ARPS Published 16 March 2018 Dr Kaushik Ghosh GIS ARPS
Other Hilbre Island Richard Glynne Jones - Hilbre Island Hilbre Island, Wirral This was all about a play of light, and a dark bank of clouds. Landscape photography requires those special conditions to capture the essence...
Other Shetland Richard Glynne Jones - Shetland Shetland This is challenging landscape for the landscape photographer. You may need patience waiting for the light. However, I identified some key themes which here inc...
Other Fiona Willoughby ARPS Fiona Willoughby ARPS Statement of Intent This Documentary panel was submitted for an Associate Distinction on the 12th December 2020 Appleby HorseFair I have always been captivated by gypsies and the...
CREDIT: Mikhail Kapychka Other Interviews with previous entrants Interviews with previous entrants Hear how previous entrants were inspired to take their images, and what it felt like to be selected for the exhibition Photography student Ella Main tells how an expe...
Other Showcase - Sean Goodhart Sean Goodhart ARPS Business travel is boring. Thoroughly boring. In 2016 Sean decided to document that fact by photographing every hotel room used for business that year, making an image of the bed o...
News Capture a moment for Cobalt Cobalt Health Charity launch photography competition with great prizes Published 01 March 2021 Ken Skehan ARPS
CREDIT: Sarah Townley ARPS Other Sarah Townley ARPS Sarah Townley ARPS Print Submission Statement of Intent I wanted to push against our world of the perfect digital photograph enhanced by digital manipulation. I wanted to return to a softer and more r...
CREDIT: Lakshitha Karunarathna FRPS Other Lakshitha Karunarathna FRPS Lakshitha Karunarathna FRPS Images for Screen Submission Statement of Intent Though I have photographed wildlife in many places around the world, no other place amazes me to the extent which the Kenya...
CREDIT: David Carine ARPS Other David Carine ARPS David Carine ARPS Print Submission Statement of Intent The CoastWith my panel, I am hoping to share my love of dramatic, rugged and sometimes inhospitable coastal scenes that I have been fortunate eno...
CREDIT: Simon Dove, Department of Medical Illustration, Norfolk & Norwich University NHS Foundation Trust Other Peter Hansell Scholarship Peter Hansell Scholarship Peter Hansell Scholarship The Medical Group of the Royal Photographic Society administers a scholarship fund in memory of Dr Peter Hansell HonFRPS, a pioneer of the practice ...