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Voting closes on Friday 28 June for the RPS Trustee election 2024.

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The Travel Group is very active and welcomes all RPS members. We enjoy hearing members' ideas, seeing new images in the galleries, learning from one another and meeting when possible.
Webrps Elan Night Copy

Photographing the Elan Valley

Three days in one of Wales' most beautiful areas will provide opportunities for a wide range of photographic styles and interests - from the dams and the landscape around, through birdlife to the night sky.

Led by an experienced Travel Group member, who knows the area well and based at the Elan Valley Hotel within the Elan Estate with exclusive use of the hotel, this time in mid-Wales offers an opportunity for many different types of photography. The hotel has 9 rooms, most are double or twin, so can be either sole occupancy or shared. 

Photographing the Elan Valley

All RPS members are welcome to join the Travel Group.

The Group was formed in 1990 to promote the enjoyment and understanding of travel photography: of trying to capture the spirit of places we visit and, through photography, sharing that spirit with others. The Group provides a forum where members can improve their knowledge and exchange views regarding travel photography and related issues.

The Group is at its liveliest and most effective when there is discussion involving a wide range of members.


The Line Card
CREDIT: David Short ARPS

Walk the Line

Monday, 8th July 2024

following a section of London's artist installations via foot and other forms of transport from Bromley-le-Bow station to the O2 and on to Westminster for the evening.

For more details and to register
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A camera in my hand - a life of Travel Photography

Dr. Colin Howard FRPS share his interpretation of Travel Photography and how his work has developed over the years.

A camera in my hand - a lifetime of Travel Photography
Gold Medal
CREDIT: Weng Sang Wong ARPS

Travel Image of the Year 2024

Bodnath Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal by Weng Sang Wong ARPS was selected by Jay Charnock FRPS

as the 2024 Travel Image of the Year.

Jay was impressed by the stillness at the centre of this image, embodying the central stillness saught by all Buddhists. Yet the busyness and noise around the central figure cannot be ignored, giving a very clear sense of place.

Travel Image of the Year 2024
TIOM 2023

Best of the Best Monthly Winners 2023

Lesa working in Japan by David Cummings

Selecting this as the best of the monthly competition winners for 2023, our judge, Jay Charnock FRPS said:

This is timeless. We know it was taken in 2023 but it could have been taken in the 1920s, 1930s or any time since. And it appealed to me because its timelessness and simplicity tell a story. The image is very carefully and cleverly put together with the photographer absolutely central looking through to the mountains beyond. It's deceptively simple and appealed to me because it is so atmospheric.


2023 Travel Image of the Month Winners
Nam Khat
CREDIT: Paul Sansome

Future Events from the Travel Group



New events and details added

Click here to book events

Future Travel Group Events

Recent Events from the Travel Group


Follow this link to recordings of online talks and reports of some activities



Recent Travel Group Events
Jolly Lolly
CREDIT: Neil Harris

The Travel Group Team



Travel Group Team 2024

The benefits of joining the Travel Group

All RPS members are welcome to join the Travel Group.

The Group was formed in 1990 to promote the enjoyment and understanding of travel photography: of trying to capture the spirit of places we visit and, through photography, sharing that spirit with others. The Group provides a forum where members can improve their knowledge and exchange views regarding travel photography and related issues.

The Group is at its liveliest and most effective when there is discussion involving a wide range of members.

  1. Travel Log Each member of the Travel Group receives the group’s publication - Travel Log -twice a year.
  2. JRNY magazine digital subscription Every member of the Group is entitled to a complimentary digital subscription to JRNY - an annual value currently of £24.
  3. Lively discussion Regular Share and Chat sessions online where members from all over the world share images and experiences
  4. Spring Event There is an annual Spring Event where wellknown photographers with recognised skills in Travel Photography are invited to speak.
  5. Specially organised photographic trips We believe shared experiences are important and a number of trips of differing durations are organised each year
  6. Online presentations The Group organizes a number of online presentations where Travel Photography professionals share their skills and experiences
  7. e-news The Travel Group e-news is published about six times a year with news of members' achievements and activities.
  8. Competitions All members are invited to participate in Group competitions

You can join the Travel Group for just £15 per year as an add-on to your RPS subscription.

If you are a member of the RPS and wish to join the Travel Group, please click here and follow the below instructions: 

  • If you're not already logged in it will ask you to 
  • Select the Travel Group from the list that comes up
  • Click 'Add to Basket' on the right-hand side 
  • Check the basket, tick to agree the Terms and Conditions and click 'Pay Now'
  • Complete the payment process and then the Travel Group membership will be added to your account
  • You'll be able to see your group membership on your dashboard page when you log in