Other Distinctions ION Approach Distinctions: My photographic approach by Ian O'Neill ARPS A few insight to my panel: Portrait photography is my most enjoyable genre, I like the rapport with the subject…even if I can’t speak the lan...
Other DIG Western Events Events DIGITAL IMAGING: WESTERN Home | General Information | Committee | Events | Digital Imaging Main Page Meetings: DIG Western Talks are held quartlerly and we aim to book a variety of speakers who...
Other Northern Portfolios Northern Portfolios Please select a member link below to view a selection of thumbnails. Thumbnails link to larger images. Members personal website links are also featured. Irene Berry LRPS Mike Berr...
Other Ex2020-Bill Brooks Bill Brooks LRPS Open This body of work, The Tears of Amphitrite, looks at the effect that our consumer choices are making on the marine environment. The work re-imagines famous pictures from the pas...
Other Ex2020-John Sanchez John Sanchez LRPS Open Towards the end of 2019 I started a project with a local group called Flourish which provides amazing support to young adults with autism and learning difficulties. My aim was ...
Other Showcase - Agi Cholewa Agi Cholewa Images inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's 'Alone'. Shot on Ilford FP4 with Hasselblad H5D with film back. Scratched text on negatives.
CREDIT: Maria Falconer FRPS Other Maria Falconer FRPS Maria Falconer FRPS Print Submission Statement of Intent Keep Her Unnoticed Last year I celebrated my 50th birthday. My family arranged a small party to mark the occasion. My arrival was pretty much a...
CREDIT: Paul Schot ARPS Other Paul Schot ARPS Paul Schot ARPS Print Submission Statement of Intent The Emptiness of the “Neue Heimat”Vienna Providing Affordable Housing for All Vienna’s effort to provide affordable housing for all newcomers where...
CREDIT: Joanne Gower FRPS Other Joanne Gower FRPS Joanne Gower FRPS Print Submission Statement of Intent As wedding photographers we have little control over the elements that go together to create the wedding photographs. We have to work with the st...
CREDIT: Michael McAlister ARPS Other Michael McAlister ARPS Michael McAlister ARPS Print Submission Statement of Intent 15 Martins Martin is my partner and we have been together almost 20 years. He is a rare human being. Quiet and unassuming. Modest and uncomp...
CREDIT: Raymond Ching ARPS Other Raymond Ching ARPS Raymond Ching ARPS Print Submission Statement of Intent Bangladesh has given me an impression of poor, chaos and straggle. It has a huge population that majority is Muslims. Even though the working an...
CREDIT: Heather Coulson News How I navigated the world of construction photography When Heather Coulson ARPS moved to Hong Kong in 1970 she had no idea a career in construction photography awaited Published 06 January 2021 By Jennifer Constable
CREDIT: Cebe Loomis News I won the RPS Postgraduate Bursary. So what next? With a call out for submissions to the 2021 RPS Postgraduate Bursary, we catch up with former recipient Cebe Loomis Published 07 April 2021 CEBE LOOMIS
News Obituary: Raymond R Phillips HonFRPS Ray Phillips HonFRPS, medical photographer has died Published 20 April 2021 Nigel Pearson ARPS
News Earthquakes. Extreme fires. And now Covid-19. What next? Winning the TPA/RPS Environmental Awareness Bursary set Alan McFetridge on a five-year exploration of fire. He explains its impact on his life and work Published 05 May 2021 BY KATHLEEN MORGAN
News Meet the forgotten health heroes During the pandemic award-winning photographer Terry Donnelly FRPS has been shining a light on the life-saving work of one of the UK’s 21 air ambulance services. He explains why. Published 31 May 2021 JENNIFER CONSTABLE