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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Vase Abstract By Angela Morgan ARPS
CREDIT: Angela Morgan ARPS

About the Digital Imaging Group

of the RPS

The Digital Imaging Group (aka 'DIG') is a community of photographers where, unlike other Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in the RPS, we are not genre-specific. DIG was formed in 1996 when digital cameras first started being used by club photographers. This group of early adopters aimed to help one another when little information and help or resources existed. This philosophy – to help and educate – is still at the heart of the DIG and forms the bedrock of our activities, even though 'our' technology is now mainstream. 

On our web pages you will find lots of information to help you engage and enjoy your DIG membership, whether you are a UK member or overseas.  DIG Online members get precisely the same content but not as printed copies.

As well as our quarterly flagship magazine DIGIT, we produce a monthly newsletter, DI Online, and have published 13 issues of Accolade, celebrating members' distinction successes. We run competitions and projects to engage our members, present monthly online talks by high-profile photographers and a programme of workshops; and also have a Facebook group for image sharing and support. Our Print and eCircles offer peer review and support too.

Have a look around the website for more details of all these initiatives, and if you need more assistance, the DIG committee (all volunteers!) is always happy to hear from our members: see here for a list and contact information.

Membership and how to join

Digital Imaging Group membership is open to all existing and new RPS members. You must be a member of the RPS to be eligible to join any Special Interest Group, and you may join as many Special Interest Groups as you wish.

Subscription to the Digital Imaging Group is currently £14 per year in addition to your normal RPS membership. Alternatively, you can subscribe as a Digital Online member and pay £7 per year in addition to your RPS subscription. You will enjoy all the benefits of Digital Imaging membership but you do not receive printed publications - you view them online.

Go to the membership pages on the main site and sign up today!

Choose either Digital Imaging or Digital Imaging Online (not both).  The amount shown is that which you will be charged pro rata to bring you up to your RPS renewal date, as both SIG and Society subscriptions run concurrently.

We hope we will soon be welcoming you as a new Digital Imaging member.

DI Facebook Group

Our Facebook group is proving to be a good place for people to post images for comment, to ask general questions and to generally interact. It is a closed, moderated group so those of you with concerns over some of the more unacceptable ways people use Facebook should feel reassured.

Only members of DIG are able to join. We trust most sincerely that everyone will respect each other and that moderation will not be necessary.

Once you join the page you will be validated as a DI member and given access. This is a manual process so please do not expect instant access.


We also have Youtube videos of some of our talks and presentations for you to watch. Visit the RPS DI channel.