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RPS Digital Imaging

Our Showcase Opportunities

Digital Imaging offers you various opportunities to showcase your work in addition to its publications. They are free and open to all Digital Imaging members.

Rainscape in London Town
CREDIT: David Nicholls LRPS
Digital Imaging Competition

An annual competition in three classes

A competition to encourage you to try different approaches to image-making. Three classes for 2025: Open Colour, Open Mono and Altered Reality in three stages: you can enter up to three images in each class. Ten images will be selected to go forward to the final in each class, competing for the Raymond Wallace Thompson Trophy. The selectors will be looking for technical and artistic excellence, and new work not already submitted in previous competitions.

Ashleigh by Derwood Pamphilon ARPS
CREDIT: Derwood Pamphilon ARPS
Print Portfolio

The Portfolio is an opportunity to have your work selected to represent the group's wide range of styles and genres - printed magazines are provided for all entrants, and high-quality portfolios for the 30 entrants whose images are selected.

Submissions from 1st January 2025, and the final selections will be announced at our AGM on 23rd February 2025. All DI members can submit up to three prints for consideration, and we can print for our International members.

'Westcliffe Lift And Trees' By Cherry Larcombe ARPS (United Kingdom)
CREDIT: Cherry Larcombe ARPS
Monthly Competition

A monthly competition just for fun

This popular competition restarted in January 2025, and is open to all DI members, who can submit an image on any theme every month. Members then vote for their favourites, and the winners are featured in our online newsletter and Facebook groups.

There are few rules, but we encourage you to showcase your new work rather than raiding the back-catalogue!