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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Shining Lotus
CREDIT: Ann Rosemary Belcher LRPS

Digital Imaging Competition

RPS Digital Imaging

For 2023/4 we have a newly designed annual digital imaging competition for DI members.


Gone is the old style comp where everyone entered one of the two classes – in comes the opportunity to enter each of the 5 rounds, with a final 6th round to decide the overall winner of the Raymond Wallace Thompson trophy.

The aim of this new format is to encourage new work; to inspire you to shoot specifically for the subject. The topics will be broad enough to allow a lot of scope for interpretation, different techniques and styles. Members will also be invited to vote in Rounds 1 to 5, and the top 5 go through to the final Round 6, when we will invite eminent assessors to select the final awards.

  • You have the chance to be one of the top 5 winners each round, who will be featured in DI Online.
  • You do not have to enter each round to ultimately become one of the finalists.
  • Whatever your style of work you can enter each round. Mono, coloured, toned, ICM, creative - whatever you wish.

The Round topics will be announced 2 months prior to the submission date. Work will need to be no more than 6 months old and must not have been entered into any other DI competition.

We have a custom image submission web site, which is easy to use and will also provide the gallery for viewing all images entered into each round. Voting will be hidden during the voting period, but opened up for you to see your score the following month. The links for submission will be added here when submission opens.

Obviously there are new rules and it is essential that you download these to read. They are NOT available on the submission web site. We have also prepared some FAQs. For further questions email our competition secretary Kenneth Ness FRPS on

Download the rules | Download the FAQs

Round 5 started on 1 April 2024

  • Subject is – Architecture
  • Submission opens 1 June 2024 and closes 30 June 2024. 
  • Voting opens 1 July 2024 and closes 24 July 2024.
  • Results announced 31 July 2024.
  • Winners displayed in DI Online August/September 2024 issue.

Round 6 is now open for bookings

Go to our Events page to book your free ticket to watch the final selections, for August 2nd.

How to vote

Some people have had trouble getting voting to work, so here is a short "how-to" to assist. Note that the black bar at the bottom of the gallery saying "powered by PollUnit" will take you away to their website, so avoid clicking in it!

If you scroll down the page, the first page of images should show. Once you see the images, you can continue to scroll to view all the entries. 

If you select the first image - which enlarges the photograph - you can use the video style buttons at the base to allow the program to run though all the entries. The speed can be controlled with the settings at the bottom right (three dots menu).

Underneath each image is a star, which if selected will register a vote. You will be asked to register after attempting to vote for the first time. This will ask for your name and email address. Having done that, you can "Proceed as guest" to avoid creating an account.

Once done, you can go back to the images and find or make your selections, pressing the star on the enlarged image to make your vote. When you have selected your three images, close the slideshow and click "Complete Participation" at the bottom of the gallery screen to complete the process.

Past round results

Round 1 started on 1 August 2023 – Flora and/or Fauna

Round 2 started on 1 October 2023 Water

Round 3 started on 1 December 2023 - People

Round 4 started on 1 February 2024 - Scapes

Finally, here's a link to all the winners of the rounds so far, which will take part in the final selection for the trophy.