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Peer Support Groups

These peer-to-peer groups, usually of 6-10 photographers, mostly meet monthly on Zoom to share and discuss their work. Everyone contributes, and everyone’s opinion is valued.
Currently there are eight e-Circles: three Image Critique, two Image Processing, one Projects and two Books & Zines.
- The Image Critique groups involve each member sharing an image which the group discusses, in order to help the author achieve their aims. They run at 19.00 on the first Monday, 19.00 on the second Thursday, and 09.00 on the fourth Sunday of the month. (All times GMT or BST as appropriate.)
- In the Processing groups, members take it in turns to offer a RAW file which (with guidance from the author on intent) everyone in the group will process, and then at the meeting share and discuss the results. There is no stipulation as to which software package is used. They run at 14.00 on the first Tuesday, 19.00 on the third Thursday, and 10.00 on the third Monday of each month.
- In the Projects group, members bring along a project that they are working on. This can be anything at all for example a body of work for a book, development of a new technique, study of a place, in other words, absolutely anything that the photographer is concentrating on for a period of time. This group runs at 19.00 on the second Monday of each month.
- In the Books & Zines groups, members meet to discuss their photobooks or zines, whether printed, handmade or electronic. One group meets monthly on Tuesdays at 17.30, and one quarterly on Wednesdays at 14.00.
You can see some sample images from the critique and post-processing groups.
If sufficient overseas members would like to join an e-Circle we will arrange to create an appropriate e-Circle at a time which works for those members.
To enquire about joining, or to suggest an international e-Circle, email Kevin Payne at DICircles@rps.org.
Print Circles

Folios of physical prints are circulated by post for comment amongst the Print Circle members. The optimal number of members in the Print Circle is 8-12.
Each round for a folio takes about 4-5 months, so overlapping rounds operate about every quarter, making about four rounds per year.
Read more details here, or if you are interested in joining, contact Andrew Brochwicz-Lewinski at abroch@btinternet.com