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Some eCircle examples
Image Critique e-Circles
The image below by Guy Robertson is from one of the image critique e-Circles where the co-ordinator for the group says:
“I selected this image because it is an example of someone trying something new and seeking the group's feedback. We see a wide variety of work in the group, some experimental, some trying new things and some images taken on courses shot to a brief. This makes for a very interesting group and the feedback is always constructive and very helpful."

Image Editing e-Circles
The three images below are representative of the image editing e-circles. The first image, taken by Chris Hynes, is the RAW image which was circulated to all members of that particular e-Circle for post processing, the second two images are the result of that post processing, the first by Michel Claverie the second by Kevin Payne.
At the monthly meeting each member of the e-Circle explains and displays the steps taken e.g. each step taken in Lightroom and / or Photoshop (or whatever image editing software a member chooses to use) to get to the final image.
The final image an individual member shows is often very different from the others, and testament to their vision as a photographer / image editor. Often members of the group will present several images, each being post-processed differently.