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Print Circle
The DI Print Circle
It’s always quite fun writing about the Print Circle – I wonder why I do it so rarely. At present the group is going strong, although we went through a tough time about 18 months ago, when we had several leavers. Since then we have had a good number of new recruits and now have a stable membership of 12. This actually is the maximum number that our kind of postal folio can realistically cope with, without making the whole process unwieldy and too long-winded.
The excellent thing about this recent influx of new and very talented members has been that everyone has upped their game. We are not a noisy bunch of people, so you probably don’t hear a lot about us, but the standard is now probably as high as I can remember in the last 10 years or so. And so it should! We boast one FRPS, 4 ARPSs and 5 LRPSs in our midst, so if between us we could not muster up a few decent images four times a year, it would be surprising.
The way we work is that everyone submits one print per round and we get through roughly four rounds a year. We all then comment on everyone else’s entry and choose our 6 favourites in order of preference. While of course it is nice to occasionally be the winner of a round, it is the comments of the other eleven of us that, I believe, are most useful in our own development. Everyone brings a slightly different perception to bear and very often we do not see the faults and merits of our own images until they are analysed by all the other good photographers in the Circle, each adding their own angle to the comments.
Most of us have a comfort zone and yet the work submitted to each round seems to vary widely, including people, landscapes, patterns and architecture. Currently the majority is fairly ‘trad’ as can be seen from the attached images that have done well in recent rounds. However, increasingly we get more off-beat images (I hate the buzz-word ‘creative’) which all attract valuable comments. In fact, in the two rounds that are now under way, there are several very interesting different images of which some are sure to be included in my next report.
If you are interested or want further information, please do contact me at abroch@btinternet.com
Andrew Brochwicz-Lewinski ARPS