800X533 Calm
CREDIT: Jan Beesley ARPS

RPS Digital Imaging

Promoting the art and the craft of digital imaging
800X533 In Perfect Harmony By Carole Lewis ARPS
CREDIT: Carole Lewis ARPS
Take part ...

We run various projects and competitions for you to meet other members and see what people are doing:

Copper On Blue by Julie Pigula FRPS
CREDIT: Julie Pigula FRPS
Learn ...

The DI Group offers you a number of opportunities to learn about photography, at various levels according to your needs:

  • Online webinars ↗ with well-known photographers, on Saturday afternoons, plus occasional extra events. Click the link to book (or see below for an introduction).
  • A wide range of workshops and tutorials from our expert tutors.
  • Peer support groups run by members: online e-circle discussions and postal print circles.
  • An LRPS support group to mentor you on your way to your first distinction.
  • The DIGIT archive: charting the development of digital technology and techniques.
  • Pulse: a monthly listing of What's On at DI, with links to join workshops etc.
  • Online resources including our AI Hub and Youtube channel.
Distant Yachts By Sheila Haycox ARPS
CREDIT: Sheila Haycox ARPS
Engage ...

Communication is a two-way process. You can engage with the DI Group in various ways:

  • Read and contribute articles to our publications: DIGIT magazine, DI Online newsletter, and Accolade magazine.
  • Contact our volunteers with queries or suggestions.
  • Volunteer to help the committee with defined tasks.
  • Attend our annual AGM and day of events in February.
  • Join our Facebook group for critique and chat.
  • If you live nearby, we have a Southern Centre based in the Ringwood area. Visit their web page to find out more about the events they organise.
  • Find out about photobooks and zines our members have produced, and perhaps buy copies.


Southern Schools Comp 2025, Lily, King Edward VI School
CREDIT: Lily, King Edward VI School
DI Southern Centre - 2025 Schools Competition
Be inspired by the work of young photographers

This event was started by the Rotary Club of Ringwood with Ringwood School. For the 5th year the Royal Photographic Society Digital Imaging Group have been delighted to be one of the sponsors and to be involved in the selection of the images accepted to be printed for the exhibition.

This year the subject of the competition was ‘LAYERS’ and there were more than 900 entries from 32 schools across Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire. Selected in three age categories from Primary up to Year 13, with an additional adult category for parents and teachers.

View the entries
Simon Hill
CREDIT: Simon Hill HonFRPS
Monday webinar - Not quite the journey I had expected with Simon Hill HonFRPS
April 21st, RPS and DI members free

Simon Hill HonFRPS began taking photographs at the age of three and held a burning ambition from his school days to become a professional photographer. He joined the RPS at 16, and his photographic journey has taken him from schoolboy amateur through art college to becoming an award-winning professional photographer. The RPS has been an ever-present feature of Simon's photographic journey - punctuated by gaining his LRPS at 18, ARPS at 21, and FRPS at 27. Along the way, Simon's journey as a photographer has taken some entirely unexpected turns, perhaps the most unexpected of which occurred in 2021 when he was elected President of the RPS. In this talk to the RPS Digital Imaging Group, Simon will describe some of the highlights of his photographic journey and will provide some personal insight into how the RPS will evolve over the next few years.

Book now ↗
Doug Chinnery - horsehead
CREDIT: Doug Chinnery
Sunday Webinar - Working at the Edge of an Unthought - Seeing What Isn't There with Doug Chinnery
April 26th, DI members free

This intriguingly-titled webinar is somewhat different to most photography talks. Doug won't be focusing on a procession through his images or talking about the 'how's?' of what he does. Rather he will be delving in to the 'why's?' of what we do. He will explore what abstraction and expressionistic photography is and why many find it difficult - both to create and to understand - with a view to helping us get better at both. He will help us 'see' abstractly and compose in the field as well as how to understand where we can take our work when we return home with the images to make truly compelling abstract work.

Doug has worked as a full-time professional photographer for the last 20 years.  He has been described as a 'pivotal artist who has redefined the creative photographic landscape'.

Book now ↗

Join RPS Digital Imaging

To join, log into the member portal ↗, and click the Join a Specialist Group button. If you want to receive printed copies of our flagship magazine DIGIT, select Digital Imaging £18, or if you only want online copies, choose Digital Imaging Online £8 - please don't select both as this makes lots of extra work for our membership secretary. If you have problems, or if you have recently joined the group and haven't heard anything from us, email membership@rps.org with your query.

membership types list

Summary of all Digital Imaging membership benefits:

  • Monthly online webinars by eminent photographers worldwide
  • Online workshops and tutorials covering post-processing software and techniques
  • DIGIT quarterly magazine
  • DI Online monthly online newsletter
  • Accolade occasional online Distinctions magazine
  • eCircles (Critique, Post-processing & Panels) and Print Circle
  • Annual free to enter Print Portfolio and Digital Image Competition, and monthly fun competition
  • Projects to engage with: Talk-Walk-Talk, Books/Zines, From Seed to Bloom, Alternative View and Mono
  • Southern Centre events
  • Active private groups on Facebook
  • YouTube channel and other online resources

Upcoming events

Our regular Saturday programme for 2025 is now being planned, and you can book the current ones above. We try to find interesting subjects for the talks, rather than just "show us your photos".

We also offer other online events and workshops linked to our various projects, which are announced in our "What's On" publication, Pulse.

The RPS Digital Imaging