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Lockdown Stories

Mastering Post-Processing
Recently retired, David Scrivener picked up his IR converted camera during lockdown and taught himself how to process the images using YouTube tutorials.

Waiting for the Cricket to Start
Ian Simpson found a lifeline in observing and photographing people in Birkenhead Park in Liverpool during the Covid-19 lockdown.

My Family in Lockdown
Wendy G Davies recorded her family's life during the first Covid-19 lockdown in UK

Going Abstract
Lockdown gave Peter Downs the opportunity to hone his abstract imagery.

First Publication
Melanie Sharp realised the first publication of one of her flower photos during lockdown.

Chasing Rainbows
Sue Hutton compiled a photobook with haiku, a Japanese poetry form, to celebrate the rainbows that children drew and painted in lockdown.

Folkestone 365
Melanie and her husband Michael took part in the 2020 Folkestone 365 photographic challenge aiming to take a photo a day to capture the life of the community, despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lockdown Blues
Lois Wakeman used her photography as therapy in the first lockdown in 2020, documenting the sea close to where she lives.

In Step with Mummy
Jan Lee describes her family bubble in lockdown and how strolling down a country lane brought tranquillity.

Investigating Talgarth
Mick Pleszkan joined the RPS during lockdown and took the Digital Photography course with the Open University with a view to doing his LRPS. His chosen genre was Architecture, and he was able to visit and photograph the old Mid-Wales Mental Hospital in Powys, often known as Talgarth. The hospital is now largely in ruins.