Collaborative Projects bringing together the best of photography from RPS Landscape Group members
“Landscape” photography is defined as the photographic portrayal of all elements of the land, sea and sky whether natural or built or influenced by human endeavour. Examples include mountains, hills, farmland, coasts, bodies of water, forests and populated and industrial areas. Images may be created using traditional or other techniques (including but not limited to infrared, multiple exposures, intentional camera movement, abstraction, minimalism and post-processing).
Current Landscape Group Projects

Sound-Scapes is a collaborative project run jointly by the RPS Landscape and Audio-Visual groups. The aim is for participants to produce audio-visual (AV) presentations as a means of showcasing landscape photography and to explore AV as a method of showing photographs in an engaging and meaningful way.
The project will run during 2024 with a final submission date of 31 January 2025.
Past Landscape Group Projects can be viewed below

Calendar 2025
The Landscape Group's first-ever calendar is out now.

The Shipping Forecast Project
Entry closed 31 March 2024.
There are a total of 31 sea areas of which 17 also have a land (or nearby) boundary on Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It is these 17 coastlines that we are keen to capture as part of this new RPS Landscape Group project. We’re also keen to include islands that lie within these areas.

Postcards from Home
Postcards from Home was a project organised by the RPS Landscape Group. The project invited participants to create postcards using images taken close to home.

The Zine Project
The zine (pronounced zeen) is an exciting and different way to get your photography project seen. Descended from the fanzine with its low-tech look and do-it-yourself feel, today’s zines have risen from the ranks of amateur publishing to a phenomenon enjoyed by photographers of all standings and genres.
Project finish 31 December 2023

Close to Home Project
To take part in this project members created a set of 6 images taken Close to Home during 2022 covering a period of several months up to a full year.

By Degrees…
RPS Members were invited to create a new portrait of Great Britain and Ireland. The aim of 'By Degrees' was to make landscape images at all the 45 locations where lines of latitude and longitude intersect in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Members’ Outdoor Exhibition
The exhibition comprised of 61 prints on 22 panels: a run of almost 24 metres of landscape images. This was a great opportunity to show a range of members’ images to a wider audience, and not just the physical display: in the Gallery you will find the images that were put on display and links to the websites for those exhibiting photographers who have them.
Thank you to the variety of volunteers from the Landscape Group and various RPS Regions for the help in mounting the multi-city exhibition.
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