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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

London Urban Field Trips

Twitter Captial London
London Urban Photowalk

Urban photography is often referred to in the same context as street photography but it’s a broader genre that can include anything within a built-up, urban environment.

Focusing on the study of objects and elements in urban environments, urban photography usually emphasises the surroundings and uses them to make statements about time and place. People are not always included in the images, unlike in street photography.   Here's more from website.

The London Urban micro-group, having been dormant for a couple of years, was relaunched in November 2019 on the initiative of Roger Towell ARPS. 

43 people attended two launch meetings which were set up to guage interest and an experimental format was selected of Site Visits/Field Trips to specific areas, followed by feedback sessions. 

Because of the high level of enthusiasm and demand, we occasionally run two events per month, one on a weekday and one at weekends. As well as doing the Field Trips, members may wish to work on a non-location dependent theme or on their own projects, which they may then wish to bring back to the Group to share and discuss.

Members will be able to add their work to the Flickr and FB sites for sharing and feedback more generally outside feedback meetings. Roger will post individual images to the Instagram site, which you can view here.

Both Site Meetups and Feedback Sessions are limited in numbers: Meetups (to approximately 12) so that photographers were not ‘falling over each other’ and Feedback Sessions (to about 20) so that everyone has a chance to present and discuss their work.  Bookings will be available on the website as soon as dates are chosen.

Later in 2020, we plan to have a presentation for the Group by a well-know Urban photographer (Viveka Koh was suggested).  One of the Members came forward also with the idea of having an external critique session and is investigating this for us.  The Group will develop its own ideas over time.

We have booked Hanbury Hall Cafe Bar for an Exhibition by the Urban Group from 14th December to 14th January 2021.

The following is the tentative programme for London Urban Events for 2020, which has been disrupted due to the Coronavirus Pandemic:  We will post them to the website when the future is clearer.

Sunday 22nd March (already planned):  Urban Exploration “We’re Off to Wembley”

Sunday 19th April:  Urban Feedback Session (at The Hive if available)

Tuesday 14th May:  Urban Exploration Pimlico

Sunday 21st June:  Urban Exploration Kentish Town

Tuesday 7th July:  Urban Feedback Session (Evening)  (Judy to book a room)

Thursday 13th August:  Urban Exploration

Sunday 20th September: Urban Exploration

Sunday 18th October:  Urban Feedback Session and/or Portfolio Review (Judy to book a room)

Tuesday 3rd November:  Exhibition Picture Selection (Evening)  (Judy to book a room)

EXHIBITION at Hanbury Hall - Monday 14th December 2020 to Thursday 14th January 2021

As with most of the London Region events, the Group is open to RPS Members and Non-Members and is Free.  Having got to know us, of course, Non-RPS members are encouraged to join!  Below are the links.

Flickr: RPS London Urban

Facebook: RPS London Urban

Instagram:  rpslondonurban

Roger Towell can be contacted on: 


All of our regular local monthly meetings are being held in-person on the usual dates: North London, SW London and SE London. We have introduced a London Zoom (online only) for those who cannot easily reach the three regular locations.

 Bookworms is in-person omly and now on a different date: 3rd Mondays instead of 4th Wednesdays. 

click here for details of all our events.

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