Rebecca Faith
CREDIT: Rebecca Faith


Downloads, archives and educational resources.

As an educational charity, we offer free resources to all those with an interest in photography. These include our model release form (which has been downloaded over 10,000 times), inspiring teaching materials linked to our exhibitions, access to the archive of our RPS Journal going back to 1853, information on copyright and best practice for photographing wildlife. We will be adding to this section regularly.

Archives | Exhibition learning resources | Legacy projects | Model Release Form | Historical features | Copyright resources | Other useful resources

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AI and Photography News and Events

We've created on online hub focused on AI and photography, where we will share details of events, resources and news as well as blogs and the RPS's latest thinking on AI.

AI Landing Page
1688 Rainbow Shadow Selfie By Katy Appleton
CREDIT: Katy Appleton

Young Photographers

Here you will find fun activities, exhibitions to look at, stories to read and new things to learn. 

If you're a young person who is passionate about photography this is the place for you!

Learn more
Ian Treherne Image 1
CREDIT: Ian Treherne


The Royal Photographic Society is proud to be launching this new section of its website entitled “Spotlight.”

Focusing on the RPS’ strategy of “Photography for Everyone,” Spotlight aims to expand the RPS narrative to include a diverse collection of stories from all sectors of society. 

Included in this are a selection of articles written by our newly appointed Spotlight editor, Alison Webber FRPS, extracts from the RPS journal and news about photography exhibitions and events.

Learn more



RPS Journal Archive

Freely available and fully searchable, a digital archive of the RPS Journal from 1853 to 2018 is available, providing an unrivalled wealth of photographic history at your fingertips. 

The RPS Journal first appeared in March 1853 and it has been published continuously ever since. It is the world's oldest photographic periodical and has reported Society activities as well as charting the changes in photography up to the present day. 

The Society has been able to digitise the entire run of the Journal from 1853 to 2018 over 30,000 pages. Fully searchable this is a major resource for photo-historians, genealogists and Society members. 

Old Cottages

New RPS Collection

The first RPS Collection was largely formed from c.1890s-2002. The Collection - photographs, photographic technology, library and manuscript material - was transferred to the then National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in 2003 and then to the V&A Museum, London in 2017.

With the RPS's move to Bristol, the RPS has started to form a new RPS Collection. This will have a specific focus on material relating to its own history, its membership from 1853 and their work, and historic and important photographs, cameras and equipment and books that can be used for its public education and exhibition programmes. 

Learn more
Charles Thurston Thompson, Exhibition of the Photographic Society at the South Kensington Museum, 1858 copyright Victoria and Albert Museum, London
CREDIT: Charles Thurston Thompson, Exhibition of the Photographic Society at the South Kensington Museum, 1858 copyright Victoria and Albert Museum, London

The Royal Photographic Society Collection at the V&A

In the 1850s, founding members of the RPS started a collection that eventually amounted to around 270,000 photographs, thousands of pieces of photographic equipment, 26,000 books and many letters, diaries and notebooks.

It was announced that the Collection would be moving to the V&A in 2016. Since the move extensive work has been taking place to catalogue it, digitise much of it and display some of the most important work from the history of photography in the new Photography Centre. The Collection is also available to access in person in the Print Study Room.

Learn more
CREDIT: Peter Bartlett ARPS

Covid-19 Archive

An evolving record of the coronavirus pandemic as told by our members, staff, interviewees and the RPS Journal.

Read features
CREDIT: Nicholas White - Carpathia 26

RPS Film Archive

Free educational interviews and lectures.

'In conversation' with RPS Award recipients. Watch

Nicholas J R White (discusses long-term personal projects). Watch

Distinctions Live Talks (including Joe Cornish HonFRPS). Watch

David Hurn HonFRPS (documentary photography). Watch

David Stewart (editorial, advertising & fashion photography). Watch

Dr Andrew Bastawrous (medical photography). Watch

Professor Caroline Wilkinson (clinical imagery). Watch

Frederic Aranda (on his portrait of Sir Ian McKellan). Watch

Exhibition learning resources

These resources offer practical ideas, theory and insight into creative practitioners’ work and extend the learning experience based around the subject matter.

We can also accommodate school visits to our exhibitions, please contact Liz Williams to discuss.

Detail From Tide Pool 31. Susan Derges V2
CREDIT: Susan Derges HonFRPS

Squaring the Circles of Confusion

Discover the world of pictorialism as explored in Squaring the Circles of Confusion, an upcoming RPS exhibition, using this online resource designed in partnership with Photopedagogy. 

Learn more
Menstruation Myths Jaws
CREDIT: Laia Abril

In Progress

This exhibition is now closed, but the resources related to it are still available below.

The images on show in this exhibition provided some clues about the direction in which photography is travelling. It made for a fascinating show for young creatives to explore and respond to.

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Underground Sun Room. Mezhyhiria. Kyiv. Ukraine
CREDIT: Alex Parkyn-Smith

International Photography Exhibition 162

The IPE 162 resources includes artist interviews and an introduction to the exhibition and its history.  You will also find learning and teaching resources, for schools, colleges and individuals.

View resources
SPT Box Image

Sugar Paper Theories

The Sugar Paper Theories exhibition resources includes interviews with the artist, curator and some of those involved in this fascinating case.

Alongside these you will find learning and teaching resources, for schools, colleges and individuals.

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Spherical Aberration By Richard Germain
CREDIT: Richard Germain

Science Photographer of the Year

Celebrating the close connection between science and photography that has existed ever since photography was invented.

Listen to entrants and winners and learn ways you can photograph science at home.

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Derryn Vranch
CREDIT: Derryn Vranch

Gallery Learning Resource

These downloadable resources have been created to support visits to exhibitions of photography. They are designed with students in mind, particularly visitors aged 11 to 18. However, they can be enjoyed by all and easily adapted for a younger (or older) audience.

Please download the pack here


Mandy Barker Box Image

Altered Ocean

Altered Ocean is a powerful exhibition by internationally award-winning photographer Mandy Barker, that raises awareness about plastic pollution in the world’s oceans, highlighting the effects on marine life and ultimately ourselves. Altered Ocean was on show at RPS House, Bristol 4 April - 23 June 2019


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Box Image

Space Steps: The Moon and Beyond

Space Steps: The Moon and Beyond, an exhibition curated by Debbie Ireland celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing - one of humankind's most extraordinary adventures. Space Steps: The Moon and Beyond was on show at RPS House Bristol, 5 July - 29 September 2019

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Legacy projects

The RPS has spearheaded a number of legacy projects. These include: Bleeding London which provided a snapshot in time of every road in London, Hundred Heroines which identified one hundred outstanding contemporary female photographers in the centenary year of when women gained the right to vote and Historical Heroines which highlighted one hundred incredible female photographers who are sadly no longer with us. If you are interested in any of these projects please click the links below or contact

Jillian Edelstein Honfrps Copyright Michael Pritchard FRPS
CREDIT: Michael Pritchard FRPS

Hundred Heroines

In 2018, to mark the centenary of the women’s right to vote in the UK, the Royal Photographic Society ran a public campaign, conceived and led by its Vice President, Dr Del Barrett ARPS, to identify outstanding female photographers from around the globe. The response was overwhelming with nearly 5,000 people nominating more than 1,300 different candidates.  From this, a panel of luminaries from the photographic world selected a final list: The One Hundred Heroines, representing the best of the inspiring women from across the world, whose work is transforming photography and visual arts.

The project was so successful, it began to generate a range of new activities, and growing interest and support. To enable the project to flourish, and to provide a platform for further related initiatives, a new organisation was created by Dr Barrett with the name Hundred Heroines, and the RPS has now passed the custodianship for all future activity directly to this organisation, at the end of 2019.

Find out more by visiting the Hundred Heroines website at:

Pictured: Jillian Edelstein HonFRPS receiving her medal.

RPS Collection at the V&A Museum, London
CREDIT: Julia Margaret Cameron / RPS Collection at the V&A Museum, London

Historical Heroines

After a hugely successful public nomination drive for contemporary photographic heroines, the public were asked to nominate their most admired historical photographic figures, those women no longer with us. And this time, the public was the jury. 

The Hundred Historical Heroines included: Tish Murtha, Jane Bown HonFRPS, Diane Arbus, Khadija Saye, Vivian Maier, Julia Margaret Cameron, Dorothea Lange, Zaida Ben-Yusuf, Maud Sulter, Shirley Baker, Lee Miller, Eve Arnold, Linda McCartney and Madame Yevonde.

Find out more by visiting the Hundred Heroines website at:

Image: Julia Margaret Cameron.









Geoff At BL Exhib2 Del Barrett

Bleeding London

Inspired by Geoff Nicholson’s Whitbread short-listed novel Bleeding London, in which a character named Stuart London walks the complete length and breadth London, Londoners and visitors to the capital followed in Stuart’s footsteps and photographed every street as they went.

1,700 photographers participated to produce 58,000 photographs. The images illustrate the exhilarating diversity that constitutes the fabric of the city. And the participants were just as diverse – from professionals to those who had picked up a camera for the first time. Unsurprisingly, a significant number of the photos were taken on phones.










Model Release Form

The RPS has commissioned this GDPR compliant Model Release Form which it is making available to all as part of its objectives of supporting photographers. A Model Release Form establishes a contract between the photographer and a model, defines how and where photographs may be used and the basis of any remuneration. It protects both the photographer and the model in the event of any dispute – provided the parties have abided by the terms of the release. This form is available in both Word and PDF formats for download.

Historical features

Research Blog Image
Researching Historical Photographers

A feature by Dr Michael Pritchard FRPS, RPS Director of Education and Public Affairs. "Many people wish to research historical photographers. Perhaps you are tracing your family history, a distant relative was photographer or you are trying to date an old photograph you have."

Copy Setup
CREDIT: © Michael Pritchard FRPS
How Can I Copy Old Photographic Plates?

A feature by Dr Michael Pritchard FRPS, RPS Director of Education and Public Affairs. "One of the regular enquiries we receive is: “How can I get a photograph from an old glass plate”. These are usually negatives, but sometimes positives, such as  magic lantern slides."

CREDIT: © Michael Pritchard FRPS
Researching RPS history

The history of The Royal Photographic Society, its activities and membership are a key source for British photographic and social history. Dr Michael Pritchard FRPS, RPS Director of Education and Public Affairs, explains how you can research the RPS and its members. 

Copyright resources

UK Copyright Highway Code - Introduction

The RPS encourages all photographers to protect their images against copying and unauthorised use. The Society works closely with other organisations and photographers to provide support and education of the issues surrounding the making, sharing and using of images. This useful guide is produced by the British Copyright Council.

UK Copyright Highway Code - Moral Rights

"Your moral rights as author (artist, performer, director, photographer or other creator) are legal rights that protect your reputation and the integrity of your work." Produced by the British Copyright Council. 

UK Copyright Highway Code - Performers' Rights

"When you perform a musical, literary, dramatic, poetic or other kind of artistic work you automatically have rights in your performance." Produced by the British Copyright Council. 

Other useful resources

Nature 6
The Nature Photographers' Code of Practice

Revised in 1997 and 2007 in consultation with the RSPB and the three Statutory Nature Conservation Councils. Produced by The Nature Group of The Royal Photographic Society. “There is one hard and fast rule, whose spirit must be observed at all times. The welfare of the subject is more important than the photograph.”

David Spears ASIS FRPS Tadpole Of Common Frog
Images for Science Catalogue

The incredible images included in the exhibition offer an insight into the world of science photography, from the beauty of natural forms and outer space to the microscopic. To see images from the 2017 exhibition download the PDF here. To learn how to enter the next exhibition click here