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Audio Visual - What We Do
Summaries of what we do to whet your appetite into the world of AV
AV - What We Do
Listed below are summaries of what we do to whet your appetite into the media world of AV. Browse our site, there's more..........
Help Needed then just send an email titled "AV Help" by clicking on this link.
- Events and Talks As we move into 2025 we have started publishing an exciting new programme of events. These will be a mixture of face to face events and Zoom based talks by experts in the audio, visual and multi-media fields.
- AV News (Online A4 Magazine) An online newsletter and a yearly A4 printed copy of AV News Magazine. These contain a range of articles, covering technical aspects of AV. Sound editing, AV personalities, and reports about AV events. This is only available to RPS AV Group Members. AV World will be a e-xtra news at various intervals giving notice of competitions around the world plus results and snipits of information. This will be available to anyone., AV World is an e-xtra online report of extra news.
- Resources, Links & Making a Sequence We offer a huge amount of information to help members make an AV with documents and guides plus links and examples of Audio Visual programmes.
- International AV Festival (IAVF) We organise the RPS International AV Festival (IAVF) showcasing the best of AV's around the world. We plan to hold this on-line via Zoom every other year, alternating with the NAVC.
- National AV Championship (NAVC) We organise the RPS National AV Festival (NAVC) showcasing the best of AV's around the UK. We plan to keep this as a face to face event every other year alternating with the IAVF
- Multimedia Distinctions The group supports members who wish to gain distinctions by offering Advisory Days and on-line critiques
- International AV Organisations We have extensive contacts with AV work abroad. A number of members have had notable successes in AV Festivals abroad which has resulted in them being able to get FIAP Distinctions in AV
- AV Groups We have a map of AV groups and clubs around the country, some of which meet face to face and other via Zoom, forming virtual on-line groups
- Facebook There is also an AV News Facebook page for latest news and comments.
- Dobson Henry Medal For members of the AV community (RPS or not) the committee can award the Dobson Henry Medal to people who have made an outstanding contribution or given long service to AV. Go to the Special Awards Page
- George Pollock Medal This special medal to commemorate the outstanding contribution Sir George & Lady Doreen Pollock made to the Audio Visual Group. Go to the Special Awards Page