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Resources, Links, Make An AV

Information, resources and links to help you make an AV

What is AV

Essentially it is the presentation of a sequence of photographs with an accompanying soundtrack.

Audio Visual presentations, or “sequences”, can range from interpreting music, poetry or song, to stories and documentaries on subjects as varied as nature, travel and tourism, topical issues or historical events. They can be humorous, educational, campaigning, inspiring or eccentric. AV is much more than "pictures to music"! AV at its best has the power to touch people’s hearts, communicate feelings and emotions, and to change people’s lives.

AV takes many forms

  • Photo Harmony links a series of images to a suitable selection of music or sound with the aim of producing a harmonious sequence of pictures and third images, that wonderful transition when one picture dissolves into the next. In Photo Harmony, all photographs will be the work of the author. Click here to read the full definition of Photo Harmony.
  • Other styles include the spoken word, often recorded by the author and when linked with sound and music will take the viewer on a journey. Styles are many and varied including travelogues, emotional personal stories, family history, interpretation of poetry, humour, and records of events and stories.

Information and Tutorials

Below are various sections of information that has guides, links, software programmes, all about sound, where to enter AV competitions and tutorials on how to make an AV.

CREDIT: Sheila Haycox ARPS

Making A Show

A demonstration by Ian Bateman  on making a show.   Watch him turn his images into Audio Visual magic.  You too can turn your travel and family photographs into an AV Sequence with our help.

Image 12A

Multimedia Magic

Help needed, just send an email headed "AV Help" by clicking on this link 

To  entertain and hopefully be able to assist you, why not attend our Events, some of which are face to face and some are Zoom talks.  Please take a look and see what we are offering during the next few months.  


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Masterclass - How to make an AV

How to make an AV .  Please click on this
recorded talk given by Ian Bateman on
14 March 2021


lease click on this recorded

talk given by Ian Bateman on 14 March 2021.

Bude Pool
CREDIT: Sheila Haycox ARPS

What's New in PTE 10

What's New in PTE AV Studio 10 published by



FIAP AV Rankings

An updated list of rankings has been received and is available by clicking on this link. In the next edition of AV News we will publish an explanation of the requirements for the FIAP AV Distinctions and a detailed explanation of the information shown in the list.