NAVC Programme Front Cover

Audio Visual National AV Championship

RPS National Audio Visual Championship (NAVC)
2024 Header

Images and Video

Click on the following link for images and video:  Issuu page turning publication of NAVC event images

Ron Davies at NAVC

Howard Bagshaw has produced a video of Ron Davies at NAVC and Ian Bateman's speech.  Ron emailed the Committee with the following words: 

"As for the total surprise to find that firstly I was "deceived" by Alastair into presenting the awards believing that Joe Bloggs couldn't do it because of a family crisis. Then to play Hedd Wyn in totality, the standing ovation and the audience being given the facts and figures, etc of my AV efforts was a truly humbling experience which will remain with me to the end of my days."

He was extremely touched by the gesture.

Click on the following link for results of NAVC: Results of 23rd NAVC

A History of the RPS National AV Championships produced by
Malcolm Imhoff can be viewed by clicking on the image below. 

It is a celebration of all the The National Championships from
1980 to 2022.


2024 Header
The 23rd National Audio Visual Championship - Now Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, and Sunday 29th September 2024.


Thank you to those of you who have entered and booked to attend this year’s NAVC.

The NAVC organising committee are delighted with the response to the 2024 NAVC. We have 89 Entries from 59 different AV Producers, so we are now looking forward to a wonderful weekend of AV excellence. To avoid preselection and to make the weekend mire relaxed, we have decided to run an additional judging session on the evening of Friday 27th September from 1900 to 2100. The good news is that this will be free for anyone who wants to attend. On Friday evening we will only be showing entries from those entrants who do not plan to attend. If you are attending on the Saturday or Sunday, we plan to show your entries.

As you will anticipate, putting together a balanced programme is a huge challenge so we hope you understand our rationale.

Over the next few days, fellow NAVC Team member , Keith Watson will be sending out emails to confirm booking and to give details of the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the NAVC where there will plenty of time to catch up with AV friends new and old.

Alastair Taylor ARPS, DPAGB/AV, AV-AFIAP
NAVC Chairman.



2024 NAVC

23rd NAVC September 2024

I am privileged to be a member of the Organising Committee namely Alastair Taylor,  Keith Watson, Adrian Battersby and Mike Pill, who bring fresh ideas to the table. As a Committee I have to say that we are all of one mind in championing the cause of "real AV", i.e. seeing our work on the big screen, in high definition, with top quality sound, and, most importantly, in the company of a live audience, our AV friends from all over the country.

It is very much a social event as well as an AV event. We look forward to meeting up, sharing our experiences, and talking about the sequences we have seen. As we watch, we are aware of the reaction of our fellow audience members, something that you don't get on Zoom. This is especially true for any AV with any emotion, humour in particular, which falls flat with no audience reaction.

A very warm welcome from the organising team of the 23rd National Audio Visual Championship (NAVC). The NAVC is one of the most important events in the UK AV calendar and it showcases the "Best of British AV". 

The Nationals, as it is affectionately known, is being held at Leeds Trinity University, Brownberrie Lane, Leeds, LS18 5HD, a venue which we have used for a number of years.  The location, just north-west of Leeds city centre, has the major advantages of being easily accessible from the motorway network, and offers easy and FREE parking.

The Lecture Theatre is superb.  Undoubtably, it has the most sophisticated projection and audio system you will experience at any UK AV or video event. The result?  All sequences look and sound fabulous in this venue and you will not see your work presented anywhere better than this.  The huge screen, for example, is full cinema specification, with tiny invisible perforations allowing the powerful, high quality sound to come directly from the screen.

The National AV Championship is a Royal Photographic Society event and has the patronage of The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, the two main photographic organizations in the UK.  Both are providing medals for the prize winners.

The team organising the RPS NAVC is part of the RPS AV Group, one of what the RPS calls "Special Interest Groups". The Group itself awards the coveted Pollock Medal for the Best New Entrant. This year we have teamed up with four of the other Special Interest Groups, each of whom will be awarding trophies for AVs which excel in their specialism.

The Documentary Group. Documentary photography communicates a clear narrative through visual literacy, through the application of photographic documentation of social, cultural, historical and political events. The AV medium allows details to be presented as part of a non-fictional story, rather like the Look at Life films of the 1960s.

The Landscape Group. Landscape photography is the photographic portrayal of all elements of the land, sea and sky, including the built environment. The AV medium allows landscape images to be presented in sympathy with music and/or sound effects, or to illustrate a personal story in a landscape context.

The Travel Group. This Group promotes the enjoyment and understanding of travel photography, trying to capture the spirit of places we visit and sharing that spirit with others. The AV medium is ideally suited to do this.

The Nature Group. This Group aims to bring together people with an interest in any aspect of natural history photography. The AV medium allows images of insects, birds, animals, trees and vegetation, any natural objects or organisms, to be presented as a story or just with sympathetic music.

We hope that some of the members of these groups will be submitting entries as well. But you don't have to be a member of the RPS or belong to a club or society in order to enter or attend. You just have to be passionate about photography, AV production or film making, or just want to see what other AV workers are doing at the moment.

If you would like to see my Audio Visual programme of the history of the National AV Championships from its beginnings right up to the present day, it's on YouTube here:   It's quite entertaining.

Malcolm Imhoff FRPS FACI(M) AV-EFIAP

Organising Team

Championship Chair: Alastair Taylor
For any enquires please contact the NAVC Chair at

Team: Malcolm Imhoff, Keith Watson, Adrian Battersby, Mike Pill

NAVC Venue - Leeds Trinity University,  Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5HD  -   Click here for Directions    

Key Diary Dates

Competition Entries: from Monday 29th July to Midnight on Sunday 1 September 2024.

Attendance Bookings:  will open on Monday 1st July and close on Sunday 22nd September

Live ShowingFriday Evening 27 September,Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th September 2024

Accommodation and Timings

There are several hotels nearby, as well as Leeds/Bradford Airport (should you wish to fly up). The nearest hotel is the Premier Leeds/Bradford Airport Hotel. As has happened at the previous Nationals and Internationals, attendees are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements.

We anticipate plenty of entries, though we will try to avoid pre-selection if at all possible. We estimate that on both Saturday and Sunday we will start at around 10:00 am and run through until around 5:30 pm.

We are anticipating having a Championships dinner on Saturday in a local restaurant, hopefully on the same basis as previously, i.e. we will need to know numbers beforehand, but you will be able to choose your meal on the night.

The NAVC stance on Artificial Intelligence (A))

It is an accepted convention that video, third party and archival images can be used in AV production so long as these do not dominate and that they add to the overall story.

The use of AI generated images is permitted, in moderation, and in the same way as third party or archival images. Any AI generated images, if used, should be produced under the direction and control of the AV producer.

Authors are, however,  free to manipulate images in any way they wish. This included the use of algorithmic processing in-camera or in post-processing software. e.g. for noise reduction , sharpening etc. 

The use of AI generated voice-overs is permitted as this is considered the same as using any 3rd party voice.  Whilst authors may use AI techniques to assist in writing their scripts, the final version of the script should be the sole work of the author(s).

The organisers will trust in the integrity and honesty of NAVC entrants. The judges will, of course, form their own view on this. 

The Judging Panel


               Bryan Stubbs                         Tony Collinson                               Jeff Mansell

The Chairman is Bryan Stubbs ARPS. Bryan has been making AVs for over twenty years with good success in competitions. He has been Secretary of the Leeds AV Group for much of its existence, and has recently retired from organising the Great Yorkshire AV Days, which he did for fifteen years.

Tony Collinson LRPS DPAGB/AV has also been involved in photography and AV making for many years, having learnt his craft in the days of slides and reel to reel tape. Tony's passion is wildlife, especially birds. He makes excellent documentary AVs, often with a Christian theme.

Both Bryan and Tony have recently been awarded the Dobson Henry Medal for services to Audio Visual, the highest honour bestowed by the RPS AV Group.

Jeff Mansell CPAGB/AV has been taking photographs for 60 years, starting with a Box Brownie, and has been making AVs since 1986. He also has had some great success in national competitions, and enjoys working with other people.

NAVC Journal Image

NAVC September 2022

The National Audio Visual Championship (NAVC) was held at Leeds Trinity University on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2022. The 22nd in 2022. 

NAVC Programme

NAVC Awards

Audience Vote Results

  In addition, there was a Special NAVC AV Show on Friday 9th September. “The Magical Mystery Tour” is an evening of Beatles themed AVs from a selection of AV producers and featuring “The Fab Four”.


To view images from the weekend please click on this link

We were honored to have Simon Hill Hon FRPS,  President of the RPS, present the awards at this prestigious event.  Click here to read his speech.