Audio Visual Useful Information
Membership, with an fee of £15 for RPS members you will receive a printed copy of our AV News three times a year plus our digital AV News e-xtra three times a year. Please go here to view examples of AV News and AV News e-xtra.
If you are not a member of the RPS and would like a printed copy of our AV News which is sent out three times a year then a subscription form can be downloaded here This will cost £22 per year.
Click on Benefits to Join to find out more.
Links and Resources - click to access a broad range of useful information. This includes:
- Links to the suppliers of AV production and sound editing software, libraries of sound effects and copyright free music, recording licences, and file transfer platforms.
- Information on national and international AV competitions and events with links to the competition websites and results. Some of these give access to downloads of competition winning AV productions.
- A Google Map has been produced showing locations of UK AV Clubs please click here to view
AV News Facebook - click to view a private Facebook Page where you can join discussions and debates to help develop your AV skills and find out about national and international AV completions and events.
Constitution of the Audio Visual Group, click to view. An AGM of the AV Group is held September/October each year.